
4. mandatory=required= obligatory 必须的,反义词:optional= selective 5. manifest=reveal=display=exhibit显示,表明 6. manipulate= operate 操控 7. markedly=significantly 显著地 8. match=equal 匹敌 9. material=physical 物质上的(physical还有表身体上的) 10. meager=scarce=rare=sparse=thin 少的 11. mig...
1. absorb=take in=assimilate=incorporate(incorporate sth into sth)吸收 incorporate=embrace=include 包括(反义:exclude, rule out, remove, preclude) 2. appealing=attractive=compelling=inviting=tempting=popular 吸引的 (appeal为名词时=popularity; beckon= attract 吸引)
3. absorbed=engrossed=fully engaged in 全神贯注=be not absent
4. abundant =abound with=a number of=do not lack=myriad of 大量的 5. accommodate=provide with=endow with 给予
6. accommodate to = adapt to=be accustomed to= 适应( gear 表示使适合) 7. accumulate=collect= build up= amass= gather 累积(增加)=increase (augment= increase 扩大)
8. adherent=advocate=supporter 支持者,拥护者
9. adjacent (to)=nearby=neighboring=adjoining 相邻的 10. advent=arrival=coming=introduction of sth 到来,引入 11. affair = event= occasion =matter=episode事情,事件
12. akin to=similar to=alike= analogous 相类似的(等于动词resemble) 13. allocate=distribute =designate 分配,指定钱或人如何使用 14. almost=nearly=virtually 几乎(程度之深) 15. aloft=overhead=above (在…上面)
16. alter=change=transform=fluctuate= be unstable 变化,不稳定(convert 使转变)be stable=do not change
17. anticipate= expect 期望,预料
18. antiseptic= sterilized=clean 无菌的,干净的
19. antithesis=oppose=disagree with= disapprove of 反对,不同意 20.
apparent=obvious=evident明显A is made evident by B= B show A
(in evidence=evident: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets)
21. appreciable= noticeable=striking =conspicuous 显而易见的 22. approach= come closer to 靠近
23. approach= means= method=manner=avenue 方法, 方式 24. article=item=object 物品
25. assertion=strong statement 断言
26. as a rule=usually=generally 通常,一般来说 27. assorted=various 各种各样的
assist=benefit=help= aid=favor 对什么有好处或帮助( benefit 有时
=boon=favor, boon=something useful that brings great benefits and make your life easier)
29. attribute=characteristic=feature=trait=property=hallmark 特点,特征( 请注意:character表个性,人物; be characterized by…具有…的特点) 30.
attribute to= ascribe to =accredit to=due to= owe to 归因于…
ely 长期地,根深蒂固地 6. claim=maintain=hold=argue that 认为,声称 7. classify=catalog=categorize 分类 8. coalesce=fuse=unite=come together 合并 9. collide with=run into=hit 碰撞 10. concise= shortened=simplified 精简化 11. compelling= persuasive=convincing 有说服力的 12. compelling= urgently requiring attention= pressing 急迫的(emergent) 13. compensate for =offset(counteract)=countervail补偿,抵消 14. compliment= praise=extol 赞美 15. component=constituent=element=ingredient 成分,要素 16. comprehensive=covering broadly= inclusive 包罗广泛的 17. control= refrain=regulate=govern 控制, 抑制,调节 18.consequence=result=outcome 结果
19. considerable= large in extent or degree= substantial 可观的,重要的 20. consist of=be made up of=comprised of= be composed of 由..组成 21. contrive=create=plan=invent 谋划,设计( invention=contrivance) 22. controversy=disagreement=argument 争议
23.corroborative=confirmative 确实的,确证的(make more certain) 24. critically=crucially=significantly 重要地(强调程度大)(critical还表示危急的
=difficult to deal with, 如 the situation is most critical= the situation is worst) 25.crude =original= raw=natural=unprocessed 天然的 (crude oil) 26. conceal = hide = disguise = camouflage 隐藏,掩盖 27. conventional= customary=traditional 习俗上或传统上的 28.concentration=level 浓度,含量
29.conviction=belief (conviction还有定罪的意思=sentence)
1. decimate=destroy 毁掉大部分(有时destroy=consume=ruin= devastate) 2. delegate= assign=appoint=commission 委派 3. delicate=dainty=elaborate(精美的)
4. delicate= fragile 脆弱的,如:delicate ecosystem balance
5. demanding=laborious=exacting=burdensome 费力的(需要更多力气,精力,责任等)
6. demonstrate=illustrate=show 表明,证实 7. dependable=reliable 可靠的 8. depict=describe=draw 描绘
9. desert=abandon=give up=discard=forsake=stop doing sth 放弃,抛弃 10. determining= deciding=conclusive 决定性的
11. devoted=dedicated 全身心的(具有奉献精神,或有强烈兴趣做某事) 12. devoid of ( devoid为形容词)= lack of= without= scant of 缺乏的 13. dictate= rule=reign=govern=decide 命令,规定(能控制或统治)
14. diminish = reduce=decrease=dwindle=taper (become smaller and smaller) 15. discern=tell the difference=discriminate=distinguish 区分
16. discharge= unload= emit=release=issue释放(有时=vent发泄)
17. disintegrate= rot=decay=spoil=decompose=degrade 降解(使整体变成部分)注意:disintegrate有时也=break/fall/tear apart=crumble碎掉
18. disperse=scatter=spread=disseminate=distribute=diffuse 分散( 使一个东西不同地方都有, 也就是:to separate and go in different directions) 19. dissuade= discourage 劝阻,鼓励不做什么事 20. diversity=variety=many and different 种类多 21. documented=recorded 被记录的
22. domestic=home 家里的(domestic还表示国内的= not be foreign) 23. draft=sketch=drawing=outline 起草,画(draft还有招募的意思) 24. draw=attract=appeal to=engage 吸引
25. duplicate=copy 复制品 xerox 表示静电复印件(a copy of a written document or image that is made with a Xerox machine)
dweller=resident=inhabitant=settler 居住者,定居者
---------- E:
1. earned=acquired=obtained=won=gained 获得的
2. elaborate= very detailed and complicated 复杂详尽的
eliminate=remove=eradicate=leave out=rule out= omit 消除, 删除(有时removed=extracted, extracted 表示被提取出来的; completely remove也可以=annihilate消灭)
4. embed=implant=insert 植入,插入
emerge=arise=appear 出现(emergence=appearance=emerging out )这些动词
含义接近advent=introduction这两个名词 6. encompass=include=incorporate=involve 包含
7. encourage=motivate= give incentive to sb 鼓励,激励
8. endangered=be in danger=threatened 受到威胁,处在危险中的 9. endeavor=attempt= enterprise=strive 努力尝试着去做
10. engage in=participate in=be involved in/with 参加(be involved in/with ,本意表示“涉及到,和什么有关联”)
11. enlarge=broaden 或 =inflate 变宽变大 (有时enlarge=magnify放大) 12. enlist=obtain=engage=hire 征募,雇佣 13. erroneous=wrong=incorrect 错误的
14. escalate=grow=expand 逐步增长或严重
15. estimate=rate=evaluate 评估 ratings 表示评定等级和收视率
16. evident=apparent=obvious=clear=explicit=pronounced明显的,明白的 17. examine= check=inspect closely=scrutinize=probe 探查
18. exceedingly=extremely =deeply 非常地 (To an advanced or unusual degree) 19. exclusive= sole=unique 独一无二的
20. exert=give 施加; exert=employ=wield=utilize=exploit=exercise 运用 21. exhausted=tired; exhausted=use up entirely 疲倦的
22. expedience=advantage 便利 (expedient= advisable 有用的,权宜之计的) 23. extant =remaining=remnant=relic extant 表示现存的 ,(后面3个单词可表示遗迹,遗留)
24. extent=degree=magnitude=scale 范围,程度
25. extraordinary=exceptional 非凡的(exceptional 还表异常的,比如exceptional child/education: 残疾儿童/特殊教育)
26. ephemeral= short-lived= transient 生命短暂的 27.
evoke= arouse= create 唤起,引起
---------- F:
1. fade away= vanish=disappear 逐渐消失(memory is fading away) 2. function as= act as=serve as 起…作用
3. fixed= do not change=be not erratic/instable 固定的,不变的(有时fixed=immobile=motionless=static=stationary 不移动的, 静止的) 4. flexible=adaptable=elastic 可变通的
5. forage for=hunt for=search for 搜寻(食物等) 6. forge=create=invent=devise 建立,创造出 7. foster=cultivate 培养;foster= encourage 促进
8. friction=conflict 摩擦冲突(有时friction=disagreement)
9. facilitate=make easier 使什么容易(发生)=help to bring about 10. fragile=delicate=breakable=brittle 脆弱的,易碎的
11. freedom= independence; autonomous=unlimited=be not confined自由,未被限制的
formidable=difficult=tough 难以克服的,可怕的
ce=effect 影响( A affect B = A has an effect on B) 4. impetus= momentum =stimulus= incentive 推动力,刺激物 5. imposing=impressive 印象深刻的
6. improvise=do without preparation= be not fixed 即兴的 7. in contrast=in comparison to 比较而言
8. inaccessible=unreachable=remote or unapproachable 难以接近的 9. inconceivable=unimaginable=unbelievable 不可思议的,难以置信的 10. inevitable=unavoidable 不可避免的
11. indirect=circuitous=roundabout 间接的,迂回的
12. infinite=unlimited= be not confined 没有受到限制的 13. ingenious=clever聪明的; ingenious=creative独特设计的
14. inherent= born=intrinsic=instinctive=natural 内在的,固有或天生的 15. instead of= rather than 而不是…(而other than, 除了=except) 16. intentionally= deliberately= not accidentally 故意的
17. intensity=strength 强度 (intense= very great or extreme) 18. intrigue=fascinate=interest=attract 使…感兴趣 19. irreparable (damage)=irrecoverable 无法修复的
isolated=separated=divorced 孤立的,分离的(有时isolated=unique, unique本
4. mandatory=required= obligatory 必须的,反义词:optional= selective 5. manifest=reveal=display=exhibit显示,表明 6. manipulate= operate 操控
7. markedly=significantly 显著地 8. match=equal 匹敌
9. material=physical 物质上的(physical还有表身体上的) 10. meager=scarce=rare=sparse=thin 少的 11. mighty=powerful 强大的
minute=very small= fine=tiny 极小的
13. mirror=reflect 反映,反射 14. mobility=movement 移动
15. modest适度的=limited 有限的
16. modification=alteration 修正( modify=change或modify=weaken,需结合上下文和选项判断)
17. monotonous=boring=tedious=tiresome 单调,无聊的 18. mounting= increasing 逐渐增加的 19.
myriad=numerous 多的
---------- N
1. notable= famous= well-known= popular= noted= renowned 著名的 2. novel=new=fresh 新的
not only= besides=apart from
1. obscure=unclear=blur=ambiguous: tears obscured my eyes. 使模糊 2. occasionally= sometimes= once in a while= accidentally 偶尔 3. organism=creature=living thing=biological living being 生物
4. originate= start from= initiate from 开始于( start=set in motion 开始) 5. ornament=decoration=adornment 装饰 6. oscillate= change frequently 频繁的变化 7. overall=total 总的
8. overlap= cover 覆盖,重叠 9. oversee=supervise 监管
overwhelming= dominating 无法抗拒的, 自己被控制或受支配
1. paradoxical=seemingly contradictory 看似矛盾的(有时=plausible 表示貌似可信的)
2. patch= small area=lot 小块土地 (patchy表示斑块的,也就这个地方有一点,那个地方也有一点,分布,组成,质量不太规则) 3. patron=sponsor=donator 赞助人
peculiar=strange=eccentric 奇怪的,古怪的(有时eccentric=erratic, 这里erratic为deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; 比如:erratic behavior)
5. penetrate=pierce= enter= to gain entrance to渗入 6. periodically=regularly 周期性地 7. perishable=be easy to spoil 易坏的 8. permit=allow=consent 允许 9.
persist=endure 持续2017-07-31
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