
Beautiful campus, like flowers blooming in my heart. 、我们学校是个美丽的地方,好像一个大花园。 Our school is a beautiful place, like a big garden. 、学校风景独好,如诗中的画般诗情画意,美丽不可方...
、我们学校真美丽,好似童话世界,充满幻想,充满冒险。 Our school is beautiful, like a fairy tale world, full of fantasy and adventure. 、我们学校像个大花园,美丽极了。 Our school is like a big garden. It's very beautiful. 、我们学校真美丽,犹如一座梦幻般的城堡,多姿多彩。 Our school is really beautiful, like a dream castle, colorful. 、我们学校真美丽,好像一座世外桃源,宁静中带着唯美。 Our school is really beautiful, like a paradise, quiet with aesthetici *** . 、春天的校园美得像是一幅生机盎然的画卷。 The campus in spring is beautiful like a vivid picture scroll. 、我的学校美得像一座城堡。 My school looks like a castle. 、我们的学校美得像瑶池。 Our school is as beautiful as Yao Chi. 、我们的学校仿佛天堂般美丽。 Our school is as beautiful as paradise. 、美丽的校园,犹如花一般绽放于我的心头。 Beautiful campus, like flowers blooming in my heart. 、我们学校是个美丽的地方,好像一个大花园。 Our school is a beautiful place, like a big garden. 、学校风景独好,如诗中的画般诗情画意,美丽不可方物。 The school scenery is unique, such as the poetic and picturesque poems, beautiful things can not be square. 、我们的学校似画一样美丽。 Our school is as beautiful as a picture. 、我们的学校美得就像一个孕育奇迹的花园一样。 Our school is as beautiful as a garden of miracles. 、我们的学校美丽如画。 Our school is picturesque.
cdw 阅读 19 次 更新于 2024-10-05 15:16:58 我来答关注问题0




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