
参考例句:academic referee 专科审阅人员 Urology: Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs.泌尿外科学:诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科。Orthopedics (or orthopedic surgery ):Medical specialty concerned with the skeleton and its associated structures...

  vocational school


  academic referee

  专科审阅人员 Urology: Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs.

  泌尿外科学:诊断及治疗泌尿系统及男性生殖系统的医学专科。Orthopedics (or orthopedic surgery ):Medical specialty concerned with the skeleton and its associated structures.

  骨外科学:有关骨骼系统及其相关构造功能的维持与恢复之医学专科。Pathology:Medical specialty dealing with causes of disease and structural and functional changes in abnormal conditions.

  病理学:处理疾病的成因与异常症状的构造及机能变化的医学专科。A substantial number of groups and individuals shall be among the global leaders in their specialties.

  校内相当多的研究队伍和研究人员须于他们的`专科范畴居于国际领先地位。The treatment of infant asthma with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine is the specialty of our hospital.

  中西医结合治疗小儿哮喘病,是本院特色专科。The objective is to raise the manipulative ability of clinical nursing skills of the college nursing students.


  adj. 职业的,行业的

  vocational choice

  职业选择|各种就业机会 He felt no vocation for the ministry.

  他不以为做牧师是自己的天职。What is vocational and technical education?

  什么是职业教育和培训?Academic, vocational, and general tracks.

  学术、职业及一般的分轨制课程We will have some vocational training before graduation


  n. 学校,学院,学派,上学阶段;上课时间;学校全体师生;群

  v. 训练;教育.

  This is the argument of the school.

  这就是流行学派的论据。the cock of the school

  学生中的头目;最横行霸道的学生 These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students.

  有小学生也有中学生。The primary school is compulsory, and the pupils go to their local schools.

  初级学校教育是义务制教育,学生都在当地的学校就读。Reputation of undergrad school is important for grad school admission.

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