
intent:But it is our intent that they learn something. 但是让他们学习些什么是我们的目的。motivate:You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.你首先得激发孩子们的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。courageous:But only when they have confidence that they can recover...
It is our intent that they learn something.
You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.
But only when they have confidence that they can recover this state can peoplebe truly courageous in what they do。
We are living in a great historic era.
Income inequality also rose dramatically.
she should think like a ballerina and hold her hands elegantly.
With the capture of the escaped tiger, everyone felt relieved.
Do be careful with this feature, however.
She tried to disguise her real feelings.
Identify your weaknesses, then use your brain to outsmart them.
intent:But it is our intent that they learn something. 但是让他们学习些什么是我们的目的。
motivate:You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.你首先得激发孩子们的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。
courageous:But only when they have confidence that they can recover this state can people be truly courageous in what they do. 但是,仅仅是当他们有信心他们 能够恢复到这个状态时,人们才会真的有勇气这样做。
dramatically:This improves the speed of your builds dramatically. 这将显著提高您的内部版本的速度。
historic:We are living in a great historic era. 我们正处在一个伟大的历史时代。
elegantly:Find a weird word in a reputable dictionary and use it elegantly in a comment below. 在权威字典中找一个怪异的词,并在下面的评论中优雅的使用它。
capture:So, what if we capture all of the valence electrons. 但是如果我们捕获了所有价电子又怎样呢。
feature:Do be careful with this feature, however. 但是一定要小心对待这个特性。
disguise:She tried to disguise her real feelings. 她试图掩饰自己的真实情感。
outsmart:Identify your weaknesses, then use your brain to outsmart them. 认清你的弱点,然后用你的头脑去战胜它们。
happy: I am happy every day. 我每天都开心。
sad: Everybody will meet some sad things in life. 每个人在一生中都会遇到一些伤心事。
brave: We need to be brave when facing setbacks.面对挫折我们需要勇敢。
talent: He has a talent for music. 他有音乐天赋。
competition: There is going to be a football competition next week.下周将有一个足球比赛。
willing: Who is willing to help others? 有谁愿意帮助他人?
sports: Doing sports is good for health. 体育锻炼有益于身体健康
hiking: A lot of westerns like to go hiking.许多西方人喜欢徒步旅行。
report: We have a report to make.我们有一个报告要做。
March: Today is March 7th.今天3月7日。
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