
village造句如下:1、I grew up in a small village surrounded by green fields. (我在一个被绿色田野环绕的小村庄长大。)2、The villagers gathered in the village square to celebrate the harvest festival. (村民们聚集在村庄广场上庆祝丰收节。)3、The village has a charming old church at ...
1、I grew up in a small village surrounded by green fields. (我在一个被绿色田野环绕的小村庄长大。)
2、The villagers gathered in the village square to celebrate the harvest festival. (村民们聚集在村庄广场上庆祝丰收节。)
3、The village has a charming old church at its center. (村子中心有一座迷人的老教堂。)
4、We took a leisurely stroll through the village, admiring the quaint houses. (我们漫步穿过村庄,欣赏着古雅的房屋。)

5、The village is known for its traditional handicrafts and artisans. (这个村庄以传统手工艺品和工匠而闻名。)
6、Every year, the village holds a lively summer fair with music, dancing, and games. (每年夏天,村庄都会举办热闹的夏季集市,有音乐、舞蹈和游戏。)
7、We could hear the peaceful sounds of nature in the quiet village. (在宁静的村庄里,我们能听到和平的自然声音。)

8、The village is located amidst picturesque mountains and crystal-clear lakes. (这个村庄位于风景如画的山脉和清澈的湖泊之间。)
9、The villagers are known for their warmth and hospitality towards visitors. (村民以对访客的热情好客而闻名。)
10、The village is slowly modernizing, with new infrastructure and improved services. (这个村庄正在慢慢现代化,有新的基础设施和改善的服务。)
cdw 阅读 7 次 更新于 2024-09-21 08:09:40 我来答关注问题0


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