
hot?How do you feel now?陈述句:I feel hot now.I feel ill.(我感觉病了。)I feel tired.(我感到劳累。)I feel cold .(我感到寒冷。)I feel very happy. (我感到很快乐。)I feel very angry .(我感到很生气。)...
i feel very happy2012-07-25
feel 感觉 感到(动词)
疑问句:Do you feel hot?
How do you feel now?
陈述句:I feel hot now.
I feel ill.(我感觉病了。)
I feel tired.(我感到劳累。)
I feel cold .(我感到寒冷。)
I feel very happy. (我感到很快乐。)
I feel very angry .(我感到很生气。)2012-07-28
i am feeling better now.2012-07-25
I feel well today.2012-07-25
I feel you are a good student.2012-07-25
I feel bad when I catch a cold.
I feel so sorry to hear that your mother is ill.2012-07-25
I feel tired.2012-07-25
can you feel my world!2012-07-25
I feel very happy2012-07-25
cdw 阅读 9 次 更新于 2024-09-22 04:30:40 我来答关注问题0


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