1. The dentist will treat my tooth.这名牙医将医治我的牙齿。2. I have a loose tooth.我的一个牙齿松动了。3. A healthy tooth percussed with a metal instrument gives a metallic sound.用金属器械对健康的牙齿作叩诊则发出金属声。4. But unfortunately in this world there is no tooth...
早晚要好好刷牙。5、My tooth really hurts!我牙齿特别疼!
tooth;mouth用how many 造句为:How many teeth are there in a person's mouth?翻译:一个人的口腔里有多少颗牙齿?这里:teeth是tooth(牙齿)的复数形式。
your goose.小男孩拔你的鹅的毛。tooth [tuːθ] n. 牙齿 I have a loose tooth.我的一个牙齿松动了。boot [buːt] 靴子 This boot has smooth leather uppers. 这双皮靴是以光滑的皮革制成。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!