
【春秋笔法名词解释】: 春秋笔法 【拼音】: chūn qiū bǐ fá 【解释】: 指寓褒贬于曲折的文笔之中。 【出处】: 《史记·孔子世家》:“孔子在位听讼,文辞有可与人共者,弗独有也。至于为《春秋》,笔则笔,削则削,子夏之徒不能赞一词。” 春秋笔法造句子写一句话: 这些...
【春秋笔法名词解释】: 春秋笔法 【拼音】: chūn qiū bǐ fá 【解释】: 指寓褒贬于曲折的文笔之中。 【出处】: 《史记·孔子世家》:“孔子在位听讼,文辞有可与人共者,弗独有也。至于为《春秋》,笔则笔,削则削,子夏之徒不能赞一词。” 春秋笔法造句子写一句话: 这些笔法虽说不同,大体却是延续孔圣传世的春秋笔法而略有创新。 Although these strokes are different, they are basically a continuation of the spring and autumn strokes handed down by Kong Sheng and slightly innovative. 突厥,《隋书》里说它的远祖是人狼野合而生,这是春秋笔法尊王攘夷的惯有手段,估计突厥的远祖也就是今天所说的狼孩.。 In the book of Sui, it is said that the ancestors of the Turks were born of the combination of human beings and wolves. This is a common way of respecting the king and hustling the foreigners in spring and autumn. It is estimated that the ancestors of the Turks are today's wolf children. 还是白居易在施展春秋笔法,隐恶扬善? Or is Bai Juyi using spring and autumn brushwork to conceal evil and promote good? 这还有什么好解释的?古人写书,都被孔老二教坏了,搞什么‘春秋笔法’,什么为尊者讳之类,只记录好的,不记录坏的,结果让这这个世界充满了疑问。 What's more to explain? The ancients wrote books, which were all taught by Confucius. What's the "spring and autumn strokes" and what's the taboo? Only record the good ones, not the bad ones. As a result, the world is full of questions. 鲁迅尽量删去可有可无的字句的文风,就是春秋笔法的再现。 Lu Xun's style of writing is the reappearance of spring and autumn brushwork. 于是法医们在遇到与能力者相关的案件时,往往会用春秋笔法,消消减减,给出一个合理的解释或者假设。 Therefore, when the forensic doctors encounter cases related to the competent person, they often use the spring and autumn strokes to eliminate and reduce, and give a reasonable explanation or hypothesis. “春秋笔法”的大量使用,也是杜诗获得“诗史”称号的重要原因之一。 The extensive use of "spring and autumn brushwork" is also one of the important reasons for Du's poetry to obtain the title of "history of poetry". 第二,以史为鉴可以知兴衰,《潜规则》靠春秋笔法以古讽今,很高明。 Secondly, we can know the rise and fall from the perspective of history. The hidden rules satirizes the present with the ancient style of writing in spring and autumn, which is very wise. 对有劣迹的书家采用“春秋笔法”,微言大义,扬善隐恶。 To the calligraphers who have bad deeds, we should use the "spring and autumn writing method" to express little and great justice, promote good and conceal evil. 如田制,他能将西晋占田、北魏均田到唐代的租庸调,由租庸调到两税法,合成一个整体,且对别人不经意的每一个细微末节体现出他的春秋笔法、史学精神。 Such as the system of farmland, he can transfer the diaoyuandiao from zhantian in the Western Jin Dynasty and Juntian in the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, from the diaoyuandiao to the two tax laws, and integrate them into a whole. Moreover, every detail that he doesn't care about others reflects his spring and autumn style and historical spirit. 当然他说的属于春秋笔法,述而不著了,百里雄飞和他说的一番话,公车遭遇,教训扒手一些事情自然让他略过不提。 Of course, what he said belongs to the spring and autumn brushwork, which can't be described. What Baili Xiongfei said to him, what happened to the bus, taught the pickpocket some things, naturally let him skip. 当然了,能不能流传千古,还要看太史公司马迁的春秋笔法,假如司马迁把这个故事一笔带而过,估计自己连个名字都不会留下。 Of course, whether it can be spread for thousands of years depends on the spring and autumn brushwork of Ma Qian of the Taishi company. If Sima Qian takes this story one by one, he may not even leave a name. 中国的史书讲究春秋笔法,为尊者讳。 Chinese historical books pay attention to the spring and autumn brushwork, which is taboo. 原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识. Original and collect high quality sentences, so that you can learn useful knowledge while making sentences. 鲁迅先生的杂文鞭辟入里,深得春秋笔法的要义。 Lu Xun's essays are incisive and have the essence of spring and autumn brushwork. 一共八个字却称赞了两件事物,足可见微言大义的春秋笔法。 A total of eight words but praised two things, enough to see the spring and autumn strokes. 而对于大家最为关注的评价,李明表示,墓志多采用春秋笔法,文学色彩浓重,溢美之词较多,所以持肯定态度。 As for the most concerned evaluation, Li Ming said that the epitaphs are mostly written in spring and autumn, with rich literary color and many praise words, so he took a positive attitude. 我没有夸张的神话情节,没有演绎中常见的春秋笔法,那样做回避常理! I did not exaggerate the myth plot, did not perform in the common spring and autumn strokes, do that to avoid common sense! 正如离婚不再会引起躁动一样,以披露公职人员花哨打扮来暗示同性恋的春秋笔法,也正在超然于诽谤范畴以外。 Just as divorce is no longer a source of agitation, so is the spring and autumn technique of revealing the gaudy appearance of public officials to suggest homosexuality. 书画留白的目的是求其意境深远,史书疏略则是因为春秋笔法,一字褒贬,两者自不可相提并论。 The purpose of leaving blank in calligraphy and painting is to seek for its profound artistic conception, while the reason for the sparseness of historical books is that the brushwork in spring and autumn is a word of praise and critici *** , which can not be compared with each other. 我们来用春秋笔法讲述这段不知道多少年的征战,期间后羿被帝俊用混沌钟挂了,伏羲被刑天挂了。 Let's use the spring and autumn brushwork to tell about this unknown war for many years, during which Hou Yi was hanged by Emperor Jun with a chaotic clock, and Fu Xi was hanged by heaven. 报纸上的这篇短文,颇有春秋笔法。 This essay in the newspaper is quite well written in spring and autumn.
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