
又香又甜照样子写词语 又高又大--又白又胖 又冷又饿-- 又胖又矮 又困又乏--又苦又涩-- 又长又细又瘦又高 又白又亮--又多又全-- 又蹦又跳--又轰又炸-- 又惊又怕--又气又恼 又大又圆...
又香又甜照样子写词语 又高又大--又白又胖 又冷又饿-- 又胖又矮 又困又乏--又苦又涩-- 又长又细又瘦又高 又白又亮--又多又全-- 又蹦又跳--又轰又炸-- 又惊又怕--又气又恼 又大又圆--又哭又闹-- 又气又恨--又羞又恨又高又大-- 又惊又喜--又红又专-- 又甜又香-- 又哭又笑--又拉又吐--又红又专-- 又香又甜照样子写词语,abac结构的四字词语 一言一行 百伶百俐 可丁可卯 不凉不酸 本乡本土 有权有势 无父无君 自产自销 摄手摄脚 统筹统支 一钵一瓶 大奸大慝 自私自利 同心同德 半吐半露 不僧不俗 久而久之 众好众恶 分期分批 贼头贼脑 日亲日近 愚忠愚孝 明敲明打 如珪如璋 没精没彩 各色各样 木头木脑 一点一滴 大富大贵 一来一往 克俭克勤 知根知底 疑鬼疑神 难弟难兄 不见不散 又香又甜照样子写词语,又字开头的四字词语 【成语】: 又当别论 【拼音】: yòu dāng bié lùn 【解释】: 应当另外作出评价。 【出处】: 明·朱国祯《涌幢小品·世荫不同》:“至孙许之荫以锦衣,官二品三品,忠臣之后又当别论。” 【成语】: 又惊又喜 【拼音】: yòu jīng yòu xǐ 【解释】: 既惊讶又高兴。 【出处】: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第77回:“忽闻有人唤他,强展星眸,一见是宝玉,又惊又喜,又悲又痛,忙一把死攥住他的手。” 又香又甜造句写一句话 秋天的风,有一根神奇的魔法棒。它来到果园,把果树上变满了又香又甜的果子。红彤彤的苹果,黄澄澄的梨,紫红的葡萄,橘红的柿子。真想让人们去快点摘它呢! Autumn wind, there is a magic wand. It came to the orchard and filled it with sweet and fragrant fruit. Red apples, yellow pears, purple grapes and orange persimmons. I really want people to pick it quickly! 海棠树的果实又酸又甜,吃了它的果实就像喝了一瓶醋;梨树呢,上面结着黄灿灿的梨,看一眼他,就像看见了一眼阳光,真刺眼啊;苹果树的果实又大又红,又香又甜又脆,看见他就像看见火一样。 The fruit of the Begonia tree is sour and sweet, and eating it is like drinking a bottle of vinegar; the pear tree, with its yellow pears on it, looks at him like seeing the sun, which is dazzling; the fruit of the apple tree is big and red, sweet and crisp, and looks like seeing fire. 秋天来了,果园里的果实成熟了!有美味的苹果多汁的梨子,还有晶莹剔透的水蜜桃,看得人直流口水。再看那让人口水“直下三千尺”的葡萄吧:新鲜的葡萄又香又甜,还可以做成葡萄干或者酿成葡萄酒呢!桔子柿子也你挤我碰地争着要人们去采摘。 Autumn is coming, and the fruit in the orchard is ripe! There are delicious apples and juicy pears, as well as crystal clear peaches, which make people drool. Look at that drooling "three thousand feet" of grapes: fresh grapes are fragrant and sweet, and can also be made into raisins or wine! Oranges and persimmons are also competing for people to pick. 成熟的荔枝穿着红色的“盔甲”,剥开它,里面是又香又甜的晶莹剔透的果肉,放进嘴里,满口溢满着香甜的果汁,真美味! The ripe litchi is dressed in red "armor" and peeled off. It's fragrant and sweet, crystal clear flesh. It's full of sweet juice. It's delicious! 卖烤红薯的老爷爷烤的红薯是金黄色的,捧在手里感觉是软绵绵的,吃起来又香又甜。 The sweet potato baked by the grandfather selling roasted sweet potato is golden. It feels soft in his hand and tastes sweet and fragrant. 在老远的地方就能闻到一股扑鼻的香味,叫人直流口水,这时的芒果又香又甜,叫你闻不够,吃不腻。 You can *** ell a fragrant fragrance in a long distance, which makes people drool. At this time, mango is fragrant and sweet, which makes you not *** ell enough and eat greasily. 置身在花的海洋里,我真想变成一只美丽的蝴蝶,和着微风,在明媚的阳光下和“梨花仙子”翩翩起舞。我又想变成一只勤劳的小蜜蜂,去亲亲这些可爱的“小姑娘”,祝福它们结出又香又甜的果实。 In the sea of flowers, I really want to become a beautiful butterfly, dancing with the breeze and the "pear blossom Fairy" in the bright sunshine. I also want to become a hard-working little bee to kiss these lovely "little girls" and wish them sweet and fragrant fruits. 将红瓤地瓜用礤床儿打成丝儿,佐以豇豆熬粥,又香又甜,可好喝哩。 The red flesh sweet potato is made into silk with a bed, and the cowpea is used to make porridge. It's fragrant and sweet. It's good to drink. 秋天欢天喜地来到果园,果园里果实累累,有红通通的苹果,圆圆的,又酸又甜。还有黄澄澄的鸭梨,又香又甜就像一个个小小的葫芦。一阵风吹过,看那几个梨子,你挤我,我挤你,好像在做游戏。 Autumn comes to the orchard happily. There are many fruits in the orchard. There are red apples, round, sour and sweet. And yellow pear, fragrant and sweet, just like a little gourd. A gust of wind blows, look at those pears, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, as if playing games. 家乡的大枣真是名副其实,吃起来又香又甜。 The jujube in my hometown is worthy of the name. It tastes delicious and sweet. 碧纱橱内的床上,朱素睡的又香又甜,看着这什么也不知的娃娃,余红泪从心底深深的涌上一阵自艾自怜…… On the bed in the bishamber, Zhu Su sleeps sweet and fragrant. Looking at this unknown doll, Yu Hong's tears pour from the bottom of her heart into a burst of self pity 它的壳很容易去掉,而且果仁儿又香又甜。 Its shell is easy to remove, and the nuts are fragrant and sweet.
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