in style:流行;时髦地 同义词:popular fashionable in vogue rage prevalent in fashion 都有流行之意 反义词:out of style out of fashion过时的
in style的同义词和反义词
in style意思: 时髦地,豪华地
同:in fashion;a la mode,in vogue,latest,modish
反:out of style ,out of fashion2013-03-28
in style:流行;时髦地
同义词:popular fashionable in vogue rage prevalent in fashion 都有流行之意
反义词:out of style out of fashion过时的2013-03-28
fashional是同义词 common 是反义。
同义词prevalentpopularfashionableragein vogue反义词:过时outmodedout of stylego outout of fashionbehind the times2013-03-29
同:in fashion反:out of style ,out of fashion2013-03-29