
sufficient (a.):反义词:insufficient E.g. Will the growth in output be sufficient to meet the increased demand?adequate (a.): E.g. an adequate supply of hot water abundant (a.): E.g. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.ample (a.): 这个词一般都放在名词之前,还...

1联系,连接,绑定link, associate, connect, relate, tie, unite, attach, bind,

tie (v.): E.g. My social life and business life are closely tied.


E.g. The first game ended in a tie.(=necktie)tie the knot 结婚(非正式说法,一种很形象化的说法:打上蝴蝶结,类似于我们中文中的说法:结为连理或者走进教堂这种间接的说法)

attach (v.): 附加,固定

E.g. A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.

attachment (n.): E.g. old people's attachment to traditional customs 忠诚

E.g. a child's attachment to its mother 依恋

bind (v.) 绑定 这个词的发音和汉语解释绑定非常的接近,可以帮助大家记忆(Bind on Acquire/Bind on equipment打过魔兽世界的应该很熟悉这两个短语吧:拾取后绑定和装备后绑定)

最后需要大家在写作中注意这几个动词和介词的搭配:link A to/with B; associate A with B; connect A to/with B; tie A to B; relate A to B; bind A to B;

2足够的,充分的,大量的sufficient, adequate, enough, abundant, ample, plenty of ,considerable, plentiful,

sufficient (a.):反义词:insufficient

E.g. Will the growth in output be sufficient to meet the increased demand?

adequate (a.): E.g. an adequate supply of hot water

abundant (a.): E.g. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.

ample (a.): 这个词一般都放在名词之前,还可以用于幽默的说女性的身材很胖:a woman with an ample figure

considerable (a.): 大量的,不要想当然得把这个词的意思想象成和考虑有关。这个词和足够的有些区别,但再次强调它和足够的意思并不矛盾,他们之间的关系很像necessary和important,在考试这种主要是考察考生语言和理解能力的测试中,一般来说我们不需要区分他们之间的细小的逻辑差别。

E.g. issues of considerable importanceE.g. We've saved a considerable amount of money.2022-06-19
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