初中阶段 | 英语同义词近义词转化表

同义词转换开玩笑: kidding → joking准备就绪: ready → prepared疑惑是否: wonder if → whether友好的: friendly → nice礼物: gift → present快乐的: glad → happy高的: high → tall赶快: hurry up → quickly重要的: important → significant感兴趣的: interested → fascinated笑: laugh →...
初中阶段 | 英语同义词近义词转化表
同义词转换开玩笑: kidding → joking准备就绪: ready → prepared疑惑是否: wonder if → whether友好的: friendly → nice礼物: gift → present快乐的: glad → happy高的: high → tall赶快: hurry up → quickly重要的: important → significant感兴趣的: interested → fascinated笑: laugh → giggle/smile继续探索更多词汇转换:
巨大的: uge → big感动: touched担忧: worried不需要做家务: not required/asked to do housework期待某人做某事: expect sb. to do → wanting/anticipating想要: want → desire了解很多: learn much → know a lot about身高2米: 2 metres in height → towering 2 meters实用短语替换借给: lend sth. to a → give sth. to共享食物: a eat the same as b → share meals with食物量: Food amount → quantity of food紧张: Nervous → anxious一周后: Week later → one week later实现梦想: Achieve dream → fulfill/realize dream建议: Advise → recommend过了一会儿: After a while → shortly after全世界: World → global几乎不: Almost never → rarely总是: Always → constantly额外的士兵: Five more soldiers → additional troops其他事项: Any other things → other matters到达: Arrive → reach/get to原因导致的结果: Result of → due to年龄相同: Age → same age as好: Well → well too尽可能: As possible → to the best of one's ability现在: Present → currently醒来: Wake up → rouse oneself对…有害: Bad for → detrimental to厌倦: Bored with → weary of充满: Full of → brimming with对…感兴趣: Interested in → have an interest in不擅长: Poor at → weak in为…感到骄傲: Proud of → feel pride in应该: Supposed to → ought to意识到: Aware of → conscious of紧邻: Next to → adjacent to除了: In addition to → besides从A到B: From a to b → spanning from A to B违反规则: Breach rule → violate the rule能够: Be able to → capable of导致: Causes → leads to由…组成: Consist of → composed of过马路: Cross road → cross the street决定: Decide → make a decision依赖: Depend → rely upon处理: Do with → handle不知道: No idea → unaware of彼此: Each other → one another进入: Enter → access日常: Daily → daily routine随处可见: Here and there → scattered about亲爱的: Dear → beloved知名的: Well-known → highly regarded最爱的: Favourite → favorite最后: At last/in the end → ultimately跟随: Follow → trail after年份: Years → years since放弃: Give up → surrender睡着了: Asleep → in slumber这份表格涵盖了初中阶段常见的同义词和短语替换,帮助你在表达时更加灵活自如。持续积累和运用这些词汇,你的英语表达能力定会更上一层楼。
cdw 阅读 3 次 更新于 2024-07-06 22:38:14 我来答关注问题0


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