
above ,up, on, over1. above“在...之上”, 表示位置之高。只是笼统的说“在...之上”,并不一定会有“在...之 上”之意。其反义词为below. eg. His office is above ours.2. over 和above不同, 表示垂直向上。比较精确,其反义词为under。 eg. The lamp is over the table.3. on“在...之...
above ,up, on, over

1. above“在...之上”, 表示位置之高。只是笼统的说“在...之上”,并不一定会有“在...之


eg. His office is above ours.

2. over 和above不同, 表示垂直向上。比较精确,其反义词为under。

eg. The lamp is over the table.

3. on“在...之上”, 物体与物体表面相接触, 一件东西在另一件之上。

eg. There is a book on the desk

Tanks have guns on them.

4. up“向上”, 表示向高处运动, 因而常和动词连用, 其反义词为down

eg. We run up hill.

Our classroom is up the stairs.

ago, before

1. ago是“从现在来看的以前”, 常和动词的一般过去时使用。

eg. His mother died three years ago.

2. before是“从过去某个时间来看的以前“, 常用于间接引语里和过去完成时一同使用。

eg. He said that his mother had died three years before.

already, yet

1 already 通常用于肯定句,意为 “已经”;yet一般用在疑问句和否定句, 意为“已经”、


eg. I have had breakfast already.

have you watched the TV play yet?

The train has not arrived yet?

Have you seen the play already?

Is it five o'clock already?

2 一般用于完成时和进行时的句子里, 有时也可用于过去时的句子里, 但动词必须是延续性的。

eg. He has already looked at the picture.

She already knew about it.

at school, in school

着两个介词短语都有在校的意思。at school包含有 “上课”、“学习” 的意思。 而in school则含有“在学校” 的意思。

eg. My son is still at school.

He is clever at school.

I am in school again.

You should obey your teachers in school.

He teaches in school.

一、 Except/besides/but
we go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.除星期六和星期天外,我们每天都上学。(星期六和星期天不包括在内)
I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.我除了知道他住在我的隔壁外,其他的情况都不清楚。(“他住在我的隔壁外”不在范围之内)
We have all seen the film except Tom.除汤姆外,我们都看过这部电影。(汤姆没看过)
He has answered all the questions except the last one.除最后一题外,他回答出所有的问题。
2)besides 意为“除……之外,还有……”,所接名词或代词包括在整体范围之内。例如:
We have all seen the film besides Tom.除了汤姆看过那个电影外,我们都看过。
Besides maths,what other subjects do you have at school?除了学习数学外,你们在学校还学别的什么科目?
We have lessons every day besides Sunday.包括星期天,我们每天都上课。
3)but 用作介词,作“除了……外”解。
I know everyone here but him.除了他,我认识这儿所有的人。
He likes nothing but swimming.他除了喜欢游泳外什么也不喜欢。
We had no choice but to wait.除了等待,我们别无选择。
She has no choice but to lie down and sleep. 除了躺在床上睡觉,她没有任何选择。
I could do nothing but go out for a walk.我只好出去散步。
He wants nothing but to stay here.他只想待在这儿。
A、if 连词表示“如果”引导条件状语句
If it doesn’t rain ,we will have a trip to Mount Emei tomorrow.如果不下雨的话,我们明天就去峨眉山旅游。
If I were you , I wouldn’t go.假设我是你,我不去。
Could you tell me if it hot in Shanghai in summer?你能告诉我上海夏天热吗?
Tell me if he will come here.告诉我他是否会来这儿。
2) whether为连词,意为“是否,会不会”在引导宾语从句时和if有时可以互换。但注意以下几点:
B、Whether后可以接不定式短语,而if不可。Whether可以接介词短语,而 if不可。例如:
whether she will come or not is still a question.
It depends on whether he is coming or not.
C、Whether 常直接跟or not连用。而if不能直接接or not ,如果or not放在句末,二者都可以用,但whether更常用。特别是正式文体中。例如:
Can you tell me whether or not the train has left?你能告诉我火车是否离开了?
He wonders if/whether she will come or not.他相知道她回不回来。
I don’t know whether/if he is well or not.
I don’t know whether or not he is well .
D、宾语从句是否定句式,一般用if 引导,不用whether引导。
I don’t care if she doesn’t come.我不在乎她是否能不能来。
另外,whether 可引导一个让步状语从句,表示“不管”,if则不能引导这类从句。同时,whether和not还构成一些其他的短语注意其在句中的意思: whether or no“总之,无论如何”。whether or not “是否,不管,无论是不是”。
Whether he agrees or not ,I shall do that.不管他同意与否,我都要做。
Whether you can see the moon or not,it is always round.不管你看见看不见月亮,它还是圆的。
You may rely up my help ,whether or no.无论如何,你总要信赖我的帮助。
whether or not it rains,I am giving a party tomorrow.无论下不下雨,明天我都要举行宴会。
1)because语气最强,他着重说明原因或理由(其从句一般放在主句之口)。在回答why提问时,必须用because不用 since,as或for。
He was very tired because he had done much work.因为干了很多活,他非常累。
Since I must go, I must go.既然我必须走,那么我一定走。
Since a lot of people make mistakes in life,I want to give him a chance.既然许多人在生活中都犯错误,那么我想给他一个机会。
As he didn’t know much English he got out his dictionary and looked up the word“cough”.他对英语懂得不多,他拿出字典找“cough”这个词。
They were praised at the meeting for winning the race.因为赢了比赛他们在会上受到表扬。
Read aloud please.请大声读。
Speak louder,or nobody can hear you.请高声些讲话,否则谁也听不见你的话。
They laughed loud and long.他们长时间地大笑着。
The door opened with a loud noise.一声巨响,门开了。
Don’t talk so loud/loudly,you will wake my father.不要大声讲话,否则会吵醒父亲的。Someone knocked the door loudly at the door.有人大声地敲门。2007-05-31
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