
他每天至少抽半包烟。 The dinner menu is the least of my worries tonight今晚我一点也不用担心晚餐的菜单 I don't mind in the least.我根本就不在意 You might at least answer.你不管怎样该给个答复 8.He is quite confident that he will pass the examination.他很有信心通过考试。The...
1.They were sentenced to long terms in prison.
他们被判长期徒型 Are there any examinations at the end of term?
学期结束时有考试吗? The President's term of office is four years.
总统任期为四年。 We accepted the new terms.
我们接受了新的条件。 2.They made slow progress towards the mountaintop.
他们向山顶缓慢地前进。 The boy has made great progress this year.
这男孩今年进步很大。 A grand reception is in progress.
大型招待会正在进行。 The building of the railroad is progressing.
铁路正在建造中。 3.在老师们的帮助下,我们在学习上取得了很大进步
We made great progress with teachers' help. 4.Her health is improving little by little.
她的健康状况正在逐渐好转。 5. Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.
博览群书会增加你的词汇量。 6.A crowd gathered in front of the building.
大楼前围了一大群人。 7.He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day.
他每天至少抽半包烟。 The dinner menu is the least of my worries tonight今晚我一点也不用担心晚餐的菜单
I don't mind in the least.
You might at least answer.
8.He is quite confident that he will pass the examination.
They are confident of success.
He is confident of passing the examination.
Patrick was confident of his ability to get work for himself.

9.He had great difficulty in learning English grammar.
10.It's against the rules of the school to smoke.
He's made it a rule to rise early.
他已养成早起的习惯。 11.He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production.
他提出了一个提高生产率的计划。 She improved her leisure by learning foreign languages.

Their working conditions are improving.
他们的工作条件正在改善。 The price of steel improved.
钢材价格提高了。 12.Reading and writing are different skills.
阅读和写作是不同的技能。 He is a writer of great skill.
他是位写作技巧高超的作家。 13.Smoking isn't a habit with me.
我没有抽烟的癖好。 He never read these books, for he had long lost the habit of reading.
他从不读这些书,因为他早就丢掉了阅读习惯。 Ivy has a climbing habit.
常春藤有攀缘向上的习性。 My mother was of a thrifty habit.
14.He had the advantage of a good education.
What is the advantage of using nuclear power?
使用核能有何好处? It would advantage him to go abroad.
出国会对他有好处。 15.He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk.
他趁着天气好,出去散散步。 He has always been taking advantage of me.
他老是占我的便宜。 16.He offered me a glass of wine.
They offered to help me.
We offered him the calculator for US$50.
这计算器我们向他开价五十美元。 She travels whenever the opportunity offers.
17.You shouldn't worry about what other people are wearing 18.Are you going to take part in the first experiment?
你们会参与首次实验吗? 19.You mistook my meaning entirely.
I mistook the number and went to the wrong room.
我记错号码,走错了房间。 He was mistaken for the minister.
It was wise of you not to mistake your own strength.
你没有错误估计自己的力量是明智的。 20.Politicians are responsible to the voters.
Heavy rains were responsible for the shortage of vegetables.
We should give the job to a responsible person.
我们应将该工作委托给一个有责任心的人。 She holds a very responsible position within the company.
21.Obviously, this is not my fault and I should not be responsible for that. 累死我了你要多加点分啊2010-10-05
-__-; 敢问; 是造什么句子呢?

If I may inquire, what kind of sentence do you want?2010-10-05
I get good grades this term2010-10-05
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