用be going to造句,带翻译。 要十个

2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新...
用be going to造句,带翻译。 要十个
She is going to write to him.

It is going to snow.
We are going to visit Yu Garden. 我们将要去游览豫园。
It is going to rain soon.(看天色,肯定很快要下雨的意思。)
I am going to finish it. (我打算要去完成这件事。)
You're going to surf the internet for the help.(你打算去上网寻求帮助。)
I'm going to help you making three sentence.(我帮你造三句话。)
You're going to fail your English exam.(你英语将会挂科。)
he is going to sleep.(他打算去睡觉)
she is going to shop.(她打算去商店2012-05-27
1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)
2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)
3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)
4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)
5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)
6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新钢笔)
7、He is going to go shopping.(他要去购物)
8、She is going to play basketball.(她要打篮球)
9、We are going to play games.(我们要玩游戏)
10、They are going to have lunch.(他们要吃饭)

1..当be going to后接come、leave、go、等表示位置移动的动词时,直接用进行时表达。
例:Tom is leaving for Tokyo next week.
2.There be结构与be going to的连用,构成There is/are going to be等于There will be
例:There is going to be a singing competition this evening.

在陈述句和疑问句中,我们常常可以用going to来代替will。在类似下列的句子中我们不能用going to:
You will enjoy yourself if you travel by sea.如果你乘船旅游,你会玩的很开心。
此句中“enjoy yourself‘是一个词组,意为”祝你玩的愉快”,不能用going to 代替will。
参考资料:百度百科——be going to
be going to造句:
1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)
2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)
3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)
4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)
5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)
6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新钢笔)

7、He is going to go shopping.(他要去购物)
8、She is going to play basketball.(她要打篮球)
9、We are going to play games.(我们要玩游戏)
10、They are going to have lunch.(他们要吃饭)
1.It is going to rain. 要下雨了。 2. She is going to school. 她要去上学了。 3. He is going to have lunch. 他要吃午饭了。 4. They are going to get married. 他们要结婚了。5. He is going to die. 他要死了。6. She is going to do her home work. 她要写作业了。7. Tom is going to sleep. 汤姆要睡觉了。8. He is going to be 5 years old 3 days later. 3 天后他就5岁了。9. The shop is going to close at 8 o'clock. 商店8点就关门了。 10. They are going to be good friends. 他们将要成为好朋友。2012-05-27
I'm going to work . 我要工作了 What are you going to do tomorrow? 你们明天干什么 Everything is going to be well. 一切都会好的 We are going to work together. 我们将在一起工作You are going to be a good teacher.你将会成为一个好老师 We are going to be good friends. 我们将成为好朋友 He is going to be there on time. 它将会准时到那Look at the black clouds,It's going to rain. 看乌云,要下雨了Hurry up!We are going to be late.快点儿,我们要迟到了 I'm going to see the film 我要去看电影2012-05-27
I am going to see a movie.
He is going to go to school.
She is going to read a book.
They are going to play in the park.
It is going to rain.
Are you going to wash the dishes?
Is he going to watch TV?
Is she going to eat breakfast?
What are you going to do?
I want to know what he is going to do.2012-05-27
I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)
2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)
3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)
4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)
5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)
6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新钢笔)
7、He is going to go shopping.(他要去购物)
8、She is going to play basketball.(她要打篮球)
9、We are going to play games.(我们要玩游戏)
10、They are going to have lunch.(他们要吃饭)
1..当be going to后接come、leave、go、等表示位置移动的动词时,直接用进行时表达。
例:Tom is leaving for Tokyo next week.
2.There be结构与be going to的连用,构成There is/are going to be等于There will be
例:There is going to be a singing competition this evening.
在陈述句和疑问句中,我们常常可以用going to来代替will。在类似下列的句子中我们不能用going to:
You will enjoy yourself if you travel by sea.如果你乘船旅游,你会玩的很开心。
此句中“enjoy yourself‘是一个词组,意为”祝你玩的愉快”,不能用going to 代替will。
参考资料:百度百科——be going to
We going to eat。[我们将要吃饭]2019-03-07
I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)2020-05-30
①I am going to cook cake
②I am going to swim with my friends
③I am going to sing
④she is going to make a cake
⑤He is going to ride a bike
I'm going to eat.2020-04-25
see a movie用+b going to如何造句2020-03-23
We are going to play games2020-10-22

She is going to write to him.
It is going to snow.
We are going to visit Yu Garden. 我们将要去游览豫园。
It is going to rain soon.(看天色,肯定很快要下雨的意思。)
I am going to finish it. (我打算要去完成这件事。)
You're going to surf the internet for the help.(你打算去上网寻求帮助。)
I'm going to help you making three sentence.(我帮你造三句话。)
You're going to fail your English exam.(你英语将会挂科。)
he is going to sleep.(他打算去睡觉)
she is going to shop.(她打算去商店2019-03-08
1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)
2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)
3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)
4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)
5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)
6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新钢笔)
7、He is going to go shopping.(他要去购物)
8、She is going to play basketball.(她要打篮球)
9、We are going to play games.(我们要玩游戏)
10、They are going to have lunch.(他们要吃饭)
编辑于 2021-08-07
用be going to造句,带翻译。 要十个
5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主
最美的花火 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
lanqiuwangzi 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
garlic 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
188****8493 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
篮球大图 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
动物乐园 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
AKA 咨询一个初等教育问题,并发表了好评
— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —
多年专业虚拟仿真教学研发经验,国内多所院多专业校使用,用更新的手段提高教学效率模拟导游虚拟旅游平台 模拟酒店 虚拟客房服务 虚拟客舱服务 虚拟茶艺服务
用be going to造句 要十句
I am going to buy a new pen. He is going to go shopping. She is going to play basketball. We are going to play games. They are going to have lunch. I am going to invite him to my party. He is going to read books. She is going to do her homework. We are going to wash our clothes. They are going to play football
用be going to造句 写10句
用be going to造句 写10句?1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳) 2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭) 3、I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓) 4、I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康) 5、I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词) 6、I am going to buy a new pen.(我要买一支新钢笔) 7、He is going to go shopping.(他要去购物) 8、She is going to play basketball.(她要打篮球) 9、We are going to play games.(我们要玩游戏) 10、They are going to have lunch.(他们要吃饭)。B:I'm going to get some today. 今 天我要去买些 C:I'll get some today He is not going to be made a scapegoat. 他不会去做替罪羊。 The railway is going to be open on October 1. 这条铁路将于十月一日通车。 例:There is going to be a singing competition this evening. 今天晚上将有一场歌咏比赛。 We use be going totalk about: (1) I am going topaddle theBoat Housea cross Victoria Harbour. (2) It is raing and we do not have an umbrella.Weare going toget wet. We make positive and negative statements using be going to like this: (3) I am/'m going tobecome successful. (4) You/We/They are/'re going tobecome successful. (5) He/She/It is/'s going to become successful.
用be going to 怎么造句?
您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:be going to 翻译:将要;打算 be going to do即将做;动词原形;一般将来时;打算做 to be going to结构表示将来时的肯定句 B be going to也表示“将要 A be going to布局老是表现经过议定预先思虑的意图 be going to be将来要成为 be going to rain将要下雨 be going to somewhere打算去 be going to will一般将来时 be going to sp现在进行时表将来 I've already given you an overview of what topics we'll be going to. 我已经给你们大致介绍了一下,我们将要进行的主题。 If the world appears to be going to hell, goes the thinking, perhaps that's just what is happening. 如果世界看上去正走向毁灭,人们也会更多的去思考,也许正在发生的就是如此而已。 Within a 10-minute walk, I cameacross a dozen youngsters, all wearing old-fashioned hats — and theycouldn’t possibly all be going to a fancy dress party. 每走10分钟,我就能看见一群年轻人全都戴着这种老土帽子,而且,他们根本不是去参加化装舞会。 For you it may be going to a tapas bar with old friends and for others it may be taking a long midday nap. 对一些人来说,可能和些老朋友去小吃吧聊聊是不错的选择;而对另一些人来说,用大半天来睡懒觉更适合他们。 " Next year I will be going to the third grade. In the third grade I am going to learn very fast because I will practice the tests very fast, but sometimes I get some answers wrong. 明年我要读三年级了,那时我会学得很快,因为我考试做题很快--但有时候我会写错答案。 Right now, they shall be going to the gate to beg. 现在他们正要去乞讨呢。 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
用be going to造句,带翻译。 要十个 — 找答案,就来「问一问」
5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主
用be going to造句,要5个,带翻译,4年级的.
1、Reading between the lines, it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King will begoing to Japan. 言外之意,科尔和莱德利·金两个人似乎都不会去日本了。 2、If you happen to be going to the post office, please get me some commemorative stamps. 你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。 3、Life is too short to be going to work every day unhappy. 生命太过短暂,何必每天不开心地工作。 4、And I understand youre also going to be going to Los Angeles and may be taking in a Lakers game. So I hope you enjoy that very much. 就我所知,您还将去洛杉矶,甚至还有可能看一场湖人队的比赛,我希望您欣赏比赛。 5、And so, Chris Hill will be going to the region to try to look for ways toen courage the North to live up to its obligations. 因此,希尔这次去就是要争取说服北韩履行它的义务。 扩展资料 be going to: 英 [bi: ˈgəʊɪŋ tu:] 美 [bi ˈɡoɪŋ tu] 就要;要,会,将要;快要 be going to和will的区别: 1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:      He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day. 2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。      Look at the gathering clouds.It is going to rain. He will be twenty years old. 3. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:   She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour. 4. 在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:      If any beasts comes at you, I'll stay with you and help you.
am going to visit Hainan2021-12-01
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