
1.the dog belong to the women.2.i am attempting to pass exam.3.The general ar course at the university encompass a wide range of subject.大学文科包括的科目范围很广。4.Thoe native girls looked alike with the coronets of flowers around their necks,这些脖子上戴着花环的当地少女看...
1.the dog belong to the women.
2.i am attempting to pass exam.
3.The general ar course at the university encompass a wide range of subject.
4.Thoe native girls looked alike with the coronets of flowers around their necks,
5.The exposure of the plot against the President probably saved his life.
6.We find our folding table a great convenience.
7.A glimpse of her face will tell you that she is innocent.
8.The red lines on the map represent railways.

9.Citizens may have fee access to the library.
10.A sudden shift in the wind wrned of the coming storm.
11.He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition.
12.I enclose herewith two copies of the contract.
13.We are naturally drawn to try out the same ideas on electromagnetism.
14.bring a horne's nest about one's ears = stir up [arouse] ahornet's nest
马蜂窝; 四处树敌; 招惹麻烦
15.Including this ecruit, I found my strength to amount to about $ 400.
16.He coducted its heartbreaking phase-out with dignity.
17. His boast that he could drik ten pints of beer impressed nobody.
他自吹自擂说能喝十品脱啤酒, 但无人理睬他.

1.The bicycle belongs to Amy.
2.They attempted the life of the dictator.
3.The enemy encompassed the city.
4.The kangaroo is a native of Australia.
5.The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain.
6.The hotel has a restaurant for the guests' convenience.
7.She drew aside the window-curtain and had a glimpse of the river.
8.Each child will represent an animal at the party.
9.The only access to their house is along that narrow road.
10.The night shift are arriving.
11.The work took up all his time.
12.A check is enclosed herewith.
13.They are trying out the new method.
14.They aroused me from my deep sleep.
15.The bill amounted to $75.
16.The old machinery in this factory will be phased out sooner or later.
17.It is his boast that he has never been late for work.2008-06-29
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