
定语从句造句:1. The man who talked to you just now is an engineer.刚才和你说话的那个人是一位工程师。2. This kind of book is for children whose native language is Chinese.这种书是供母语是汉语的儿童看的。3. I enjoyed the evening that we spent together by the sea.我们一起...
1. The man who talked to you just now is an engineer.刚才和你说话的那个人是一位工程师。

2. This kind of book is for children whose native language is Chinese.这种书是供母语是汉语的儿童看的。

3. I enjoyed the evening that we spent together by the sea.我们一起在海边度过的那个晚上,我过得很愉快。

4. Here is the pen that you lost the day before yesterday.这是你前天丢失的那支笔。

5. He is the person I met in the park yesterday.他就是我昨天在公园里遇到的那个人。

6. The book you need is sold out.你需要的那本书售完了。

7. The lady who came to our class is from Australia.那位来过我们班的女士来自澳大利亚。

8. The man who shook hands with our teacher just now is Li Lei’s father.刚才和我们老师握手的那个人是李雷的父亲。

9. I’ll never forget the summer holiday I spent with you.我将不会忘记和你一起过的那个暑假。

10. She is one of the students in our class who are good at English.她是我们班上英语很好的学生之一。

定语从句引导词有:关系代词that,which, who,whose ,whom,as。关系副词when, where, why。要判断一个从句用哪个关系词,主要看它的先行词在从句中作什么成分,然后确定合适的关系词,引导词在定语从句中分别作从句的主语、定语、宾语和状语。
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