
英语造句子 1.To this point,I think we have something in mon. 在这点上,我想我们有些共同点。 2.How can you make a difference beeen car and truck? 你能区别轿车和卡车吗? 3.Don't try to pare the copy with the original. 不要尝试将副本和原件作比较。 4.They ...
英语怎么造句子 英语陈述句的主、谓、宾表达方式与语序和汉语相同;疑问句则有些差异。 (1)陈术句主体结构均由“主+谓+宾”构成,但英语句子的修饰成分位置可以很灵活,结构方面比汉语更加严谨,要求严格的主谓对应,且主干分明。因此,英语陈述句的造句中应该首先把主、谓、宾表达出来,然后再把修饰成分加在适当的位置上。 例1:3年前我们还在北京大学上学的时候就看过这部电影。 首先找出句子的主、谓、宾语:我们 看过 这部电影。把由主、谓、宾组成的简单句子译成相应的英语,应为:We saw this film. 然后加上时间状语成分“3年前”及其定语“当我们还在北京大学上学的时候”。整个句子英语表达为: Three years ago when we studied in Beijing University, we saw this film. 也可以把状语放在句尾,变为: We saw this film three years ago when we studied in Beijing University. (2)英语疑问句与汉语有些不同,但也并不难学。汉语是直接在句子后面加个疑问词“吗”,变为疑问句;而英语则需要借助疑问助词,在英语句子之前加上疑问助词、句子后面加问号,就变成了疑问句。英语一般时态陈述句的疑问词多为do或did,分别用于一般现在时与一般过去时;用了do或did作疑问词之后,句子中的谓语则用动词原形。 例2:3年前你们还在北京大学上学的时候就看过这部电影吗? Did you see this film three years ago when you studied in Beijing University? (3)判断句的语序与汉语一样一样的,判断句变为疑问句只要把表示判断的“是”提到句首即可。 例3:那个人是我的老师。 That man is my teacher. 那个人是你的老师吗? Is that man your teacher? (4)英语完成时变为疑问句时,只需把完成时的助动词have或had提到句首、句后加问号就行。这一点与判断句变为疑问句的变法一样。 例4:我已经完成了家庭作业。 I have fininshed my homework. 你已经完成了家庭作业吗? Have you fininshed your homework ? 还有其他句式,其他时态,大同小异,弄清楚了就不大难的。 祝你好运!
英语front怎么造句子 In the front of the classroom is the teachers' desk.
用英语怎么造句子 最简单的就是主语+谓语+宾语,这是英语陈述句的语序。
bang用英语怎么造句子。 bang 单词的字面意思是: 名词n.: 刘海;重击;突然巨响 副词adv.: 直接地;砰然地;突然巨响地 动词vt.: 重击;发巨响 做人名n.: (Bang)人名;(英、乍)班;(芬、德、丹)邦 句子举例: 1,It all started with the big bang! 所有的这一切都开始于大爆炸! 2,We have a lot of energy in a *** all space, like you did at the Big Bang. 的确,正如像宇宙大爆炸一样,我们在一个小空间里面有巨大的能量。 3,One is the original cause of the big bang itself. 其中一个是大爆炸本身产生的初始原因
英语用always怎么造句子 Tom always does his homework at night 汤姆总是晚上做他的作业

Mary always takes shower at Eight o'clock 玛丽总是在8点钟洗澡 两句够吗?不够再追问吧!望满意我的回复!
造句子 英语 I bought a car yesterday. I visited my grandmother last week. I was a school boy last year I called my teacher last night. I ran to the bookstore yesterday I rode my bick to school this morning I felt better this afternoon. I left my hometown last year. 望采纳
英语造句子 1.To this point,I think we have something in mon. 在这点上,我想我们有些共同点。 2.How can you make a difference beeen car and truck? 你能区别轿车和卡车吗? 3.Don't try to pare the copy with the original. 不要尝试将副本和原件作比较。 4.They differ in degree but not in kind. 他们是程度不同,而不是性质不同。 5.The usage of word "vicar" is similar to the word "priest" . "vicar"这个单词的用法和"priest"这个单词的用法很像。 6.He has much difficulty in learning Japanese. 他学日语有很大的困难。 7.Cultures differ from country to country. 国与国之间的文化是有差别的。

I can see what they are doing. But I don't know what their are thinking. Some intelligent people can tell what others are thinking from their look. Others can even predict what they are going to do. These people are better at judging others and making decisions.
Planes make it possible for us to go to the place far away. The teacher makes it easy for us to understand the problem.

too expensive for the woman to buy a cool coat that you should buy it at once very important for you to help others choose the right suit/clothes i hope your business goes well
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