
5. buy – sell 6. down – up 7. open – close 8. late – early 9. neither – both 10. sleep – wake 11. far – near 12. come – go 13. borrow – lend 14. hate – like / love 15. cry – laugh 16. back – front 17. best – worst 18. better – worse 19...
1.ask – answer
2. forget – remember
3. after – before
4. none – all
5. buy – sell
6. down – up
7. open – close
8. late – early
9. neither – both
10. sleep – wake
11. far – near
12. come – go
13. borrow – lend
14. hate – like / love
15. cry – laugh
16. back – front
17. best – worst
18. better – worse
19. busy – free
20. bad – good
21. empty – full
22. easy – hard / difficult
23. different – same
24. closed – open
25. cheap – dear / expensive
26. comfortable – uncomfortable
27. wrong – right
28. left – right
29. safe – dangerous
30. rich – poor

31. hot – cold
32. cool – warm
33. dry – wet
34. a.m. – p.m.
35. thin – fat / thick
36. east – west
37. slow – fast
38. north – south
39. above – below
40. noisy – quiet
41. strong – weak
42. heavy – light
43. clean – dirty
44. high – low
45. ill – well
46. possible – impossible
47. big – small
48. pull – push
49. here – there
50. clever – foolish
51. dark – bright / light
52. young – old
53. new – old
54. tall – short
55. upstairs – downstairs
56. wide – narrow
57. with – without
58. plus – minus
59. hungry – full
60. asleep – awake
1. be good at – be weak in
2. get into – get out of
3. turn on – turn off
4. turn down – turn up
5. at the front of – at the back of
6. on the left – on the right
7. at first – at last / in the end
8. take down – put up
9. catch up with – fall behind
10. fall asleep – wake up
11. get off – get on
12. in the day – at night
13. both... and... – neither... nor
14. more than – less than
15. take off – put on2010-08-15
其实和语文里面差不多的,很多很多,例如:白对黑,那么英语里面便是white black ,掌握方法你就知道啦~2010-08-15
cdw 阅读 3 次 更新于 2024-07-06 21:42:25 我来答关注问题0
  • 1.aback-ahead 在后-在前 2.ability-inability 能力-无能 3.able-unable 能-不能 4.aboard-ashore 上船-上岸 5.above-below 在 上方-在 下方 6.absent-present 缺席的-出席的 7.absence-presence 缺席-出席 8.absently-attentively 漫不经心的-注意的 9.abstract-c...

  • 英语反义词 21、busy忙碌的——free空闲的 22、buy买(入)——sell卖(出)23、certainly当然地— -perhaps,maybe或许;大概

  • anonymous 英文反义词!

    初中英语反义词 above 在……上 below 在……下 after 在……后 before 在……前 all 全部 none 全无 alone 单独地 together 一起 always 总是 sometimes 有时 answer 回答 ask 询问 answer 答案 question 问题 back 背部 front 前面 bad 坏的 good 好的 badly 恶劣地 well 很好地 begin 开始 ...

  •  ll港岛妹妹8G 英语的反义词是什么呢?


  • 1、opposite,英 [ˈɒpəzɪt] 美 [ˈɑ:pəzət]adj.对面的;相对的;对立的;[数学](顶、边等)对的 prep.(表示位置)在…的对面;[数学](顶、边等)对的;与…在一排;(表示方式)与…联合主演 adv.在对面,对过 n.对立面,对立物,相反...



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