
blaze,flame 两词在作名词讲时为“火焰”的意思。 blaze是比flame强烈的火焰,即“烈火”。blaze在具体表达上也与flame不同,flame常用复数。1.the fire burned slowly at first,but soon burst into a blaze.起初火着得挺慢,但很快就成了一片火海。2.my nephew committed ...

两词在作名词讲时为“火焰”的意思。 blaze是比flame强烈的火焰,即“烈火”。blaze在具体表达上也与flame不同,flame常用复数。

1.the fire burned slowly at first,but soon burst into a blaze.起初火着得挺慢,但很快就成了一片火海。

2.my nephew committed all the letters from his girl friend to the flames.我侄儿把他女朋友给他的所有的信件都付之一炬。


两个词都可以译成“设想”。envisage不是视觉效果的想像,而是对将来的一种预测,可用foresee或foretell来解释;visualize是指视觉的想像,在脑子里勾画出picture,可用 imagine来解释。

1.nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.没人能想像出全面核战争的后果。

2.i can't envisage the plan's working.我无法设想计划能否行得通。

3.i remember meeting him but i just can't visualize him.我记得我见过他,可就是想不起他的样子。

4.jerry visualized the house as a romantic ruin.杰瑞把那所房子想像成有传奇色彩的废墟。

epoch ,era


1.the bombing of hiroshima marked anepoch in man's history.广岛原子弹的爆炸标志着人类历史进入到了一个新纪元。

2.the romanera is computed from the date when rome was supposedly founded.罗马时代是以推测出的罗马城的建立日期算起的。


tempt“诱惑,引诱,怂恿;引起”,基本用法tempt +sb.to do /in doing;elicit“诱出,引出,抽出”,宾语就是诱出的结果。

1.she was tempted to bear a false witness.她被怂恿做伪证。

2.the hot weather tempted me to go swimming.炎热的天气使我想去游泳。

3.i succeeded in eliciting from his secretary the information i needed.我从他的秘书那里探得我所要知道的信息。

4.at last we've elicited the truth from him.我们终于从他那里探得真相。


potential“可能性的,有可能的;有潜在能力的(已察觉)”,其英文释义为“that can come into existence;possible;in existence and capable of being developed or used”。latent“潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的”,有时用于贬义,其英语释义为“existing but not yet active,developed or visible”。另外可以表示医学上的潜伏期(latent period)和物理上的潜热(latent heat)。

1.we were aware of the danger latent in that measure.对那项措施中潜伏的危险我们是了解到的。

2.the potential power of the people should not be ignored.人民的潜力是不应被忽视的。


两词皆有“宣布,宣称”之意。在用法上也类似:都可以跟that从句,跟名词宾语或跟名词+to be...。proclaim一般指权力机关或政府领导宣布或宣称;declare则可以是普通个人作主语。

1.the referee declared him to be the winner of the fight.裁判宣布他为该项比赛的胜利者。

2.i declared at the meeting that i did not support him.我在会议上声明我不支持他。

3.the governor proclaimed that he would first tackle the unemployment problem.州长宣布他将首先解决失业问题。

4.after its independence india was proclaimed(i.e.officially declared to be)a republic.印度独立之后宣布成立共和国。



1.the surprise in his face was replaced by great joy.他脸上的表情由大惊转为大喜。

2.i will replace the worn-out tyres with new ones.我要用新轮胎替换那磨损不堪的老轮胎。

3.with the development of computers, many employees have been displaced by computers.随着计算机的发展,计算机挤掉了大批的员工。

solitary ,desolate

solitary意思为“单独的,独自的,独居的”,但不一定是感觉孤独。特别是指物时意为there is only one。它通常作定语。desolate狭指感情方面的寂寞。

1.did you see a solitary tree in the garden?你看见花园里那棵孤零零的树了吗?

2.a solitary walk独自一人的散步

3.the death of his wife left him completely desolate.他妻子的去世使他倍感孤独。2023-01-23
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