
right 同义词:correct,反义词:wrong。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)
right 同义词:correct,反义词:wrong。


right 是个多义词
1.正确的:correct accurate
Ok。 You are right/correct.
Good. Great. You make the point.

right [raɪt] 单词--找同义词:
1. 形容词 (not left) 右边的
her right hand 她的右手 2. 形容词 [+answer] [ size] [ person] (correct) 正确的
the right answer 正确答案 3. 形容词 [+person] [ place] [ clothes] (appropriate) 合适的
4. 形容词 [+decision] [ direction] [ time] 最适宜的
5. 形容词 (proper,fair) 恰当的
6. 形容词 [+side] (of material) 正面的
7. 形容词 (socially acceptable) 适当的
8. 形容词 [BRIT] [inf] (emphasizing) 不折不扣的
9. 名词 [s] (not left) 右边
10. 名词 [u] (what is morally right) 正确
11. 名词 [c] (entitlement) 权利
12. 副词 (correctly) 正确地
13. 副词 (properly,fairly) 恰当
14. 副词 (not to/on the left) 右边地
15. 副词 (directly,exactly) 就
16. 及物动词 [+ship] [ car etc] (put right way up) 使…回到正确的位置
17. 及物动词 [+fault] [ situation] [ wrong] (correct) 纠正
18. 叹词 好
19. n pl [出版] rights 版权
this is not the right time for... 这时间不合适做… do you have the right time? 你的表几点了? the Right [政治] 右派 to be right [person+] 正确 20. n pl [answer] [ fact+] 对
21. n pl [clock+] 准确
to get sth right 做对某事 let's get it right this time! 这次别再出错了! you did the right thing 你做得对 to put sth right [+mistake,injustice etc] 纠正某事 right now [inf] 当即 right before/after 刚好在之前/之后 right against the wall 正好靠墙 right in the middle 正中间 right ahead 正前方 by rights 按道理 to {or} on the right 靠{或}在右侧 to the right 向右 to be in the right 有道理 right away {or} right off 立刻 to be within one's rights 不超越权限 in his/her own right 依靠他/她自身的能力 to go right to the end of sth 一直走到某物的尽头 film rights 电影拍摄权2011-02-13
corrected . good. yes. 2011-02-13
cdw 阅读 3 次 更新于 2024-07-06 23:09:46 我来答关注问题0
  • right 同义词:correct,反义词:wrong。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

  •  淡然舒飒 You are on Mike's right.(改为同义句)

    也可以读作(同义句):You're on Mike's right.you 英 [ju] 美 [jə]pron.你;大家;你们,您们;各位 复数: yous right 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]adv.立刻,马上;向右,右边;恰当地;一直 adj.正确的;合适的;右方的;好的,正常的 n.权利;右边;正确,正当;右手...

  • anonymous It seens that you are right .改为同义句,用这种形式you ___ ___ ___right,

    You seem to be right

  •  yueyue2829 把Only one of you is right改为同义句为:()he()you()right.急急急!!!!

    (Either)he(or)you (is)right.很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步!一刻永远523 为你解答~~如果你认可我的回答,请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢~~如果还有其它问题,请另外向我求助,竭诚为你解答~~ O(∩_∩)O~~

  •  201181li Maybe you are right(同义句转换) YOU _ _ right?

    Maybe you are right(同义句转换)You may be right.你可能是对的。



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