天旋地转的近义词成语 【移山倒海】 【天摇地动】 【头晕目眩】 【地动山摇】 天旋地转的反义词四字词语 〖安安静静〗 天旋地转的近义词成语带有解释 〖头晕目眩〗: 头发昏,眼发花,感到一切都在旋转。 〖天摇地动〗: 形容威力或声势极大。 〖地动山摇〗: 地震...
天旋地转的近义词成语 【移山倒海】 【天摇地动】 【头晕目眩】 【地动山摇】 天旋地转的反义词四字词语 〖安安静静〗 天旋地转的近义词成语带有解释 〖头晕目眩〗: 头发昏,眼发花,感到一切都在旋转。 〖天摇地动〗: 形容威力或声势极大。 〖地动山摇〗: 地震发生时大地颤动,山河摇摆。亦形容声势浩大或斗争激烈。 〖移山倒海〗: 搬走山,移开海。比喻改造自然的伟大力量和气魄。 天旋地转的反义词四字词语带有解释 【天旋地转】 关于天旋地转的详细解释 tiānxuándìzhuàn 【成语的意思和解释】--指天地转动。比喻时事变迁。也形容人头晕眼花的感觉。 【成语来源出自哪里】--唐元稹《望云雅马歌》:“天旋地转日再中,天子却坐明光宫。” 【成语繁体字写法】--天镟地转 【成语拼音简写】--txdz 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语、分句;形容人眩晕时的感觉 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天旋地转写一句话 (1)、她用力憋气挤出了车厢,只觉得天旋地转似的,怎么也站不起来了。 (1) she forced her breath out of the car. She felt like she was spinning around and couldn't stand up. (2)、爸爸的脸色变了,他的心像无数的针在刺,他的头像被刚烈地摇了几百转,直觉得天旋地转。 (2) dad's face changed. His heart was stabbed like countless needles, and his head was shaken hundreds of times, which made him feel like a whirl. (3)、我只觉得天旋地转,不得不紧紧抓住后牵索。 (3) I just feel like it's spinning around and I have to hold on to the back rope. (4)、龙隐刀应声飞入邱扬手中,寒光一闪,朱杰宝的世界开始天旋地转,随之视角变得很低很怪异,因为脑袋落在了地面上。 (4) the Dragon hidden sword flies into Qiu Yang's hands. With a flash of cold light, Zhu Jiebao's world begins to turn around, and then his perspective becomes very low and strange, because his head falls on the ground. (5)、他隐隐约约觉得这道闪电似乎形状诡异,颜色也有些霞光,但还没反应出来是怎么回事,就感觉到车身忽然猛的一顿,接下来就是一阵天旋地转。 (5) he vaguely felt that the shape of the lightning seemed strange, and the color also had some rays, but he didn't know what was going on, so he felt a sudden thump on the car body, and then there was a whirl. 2022-10-16