
投拼音tóu,部首扌,组词:投案 tóu àn[give oneself up (surrender oneself)to the police;turn oneself in] 犯法的人主动到司法机关或公安机关交代自己的所犯罪行;投奔 tóu bèn[go to (a friend or a place)for...
投拼音tóu,部首扌,组词:投案 tóu àn[give oneself up (surrender oneself)to the police;turn oneself in] 犯法的人主动到司法机关或公安机关交代自己的所犯罪行;投奔 tóu bèn[go to (a friend or a place)for shelter] 前去投靠别人;

投笔从戎 tóu bǐ cóng róng[throw aside the writing brush and join the army;renounce the pen for the sword;give up civilion pursuits for a military career] 中国后汉班超家境穷困,在官府做抄写工作,曾经掷笔长叹说,大丈夫应当在边疆为国立功,哪能老在笔砚之间讨生活呢!后人把文人从军叫做投笔从戎;
投鞭断流 tóu biān duàn liú[(of forces) numerous and powerful;with a strong army that,if the soldiers throw their whips into the river,it would be enough to stem the current] 中国前秦的苻坚进攻东晋时骄傲地说,我这么多的军队,把每个兵的马鞭子都投到江里,就能截断水流(见于《晋书·苻坚载记》)。后用来比喻人马众多,兵力强大;

投标 tóu biāo[bid;enter a bid;submit a tender] 投标者提出的价格,以求得中标;投产 tóu chǎn[go into operation;put into production] 投入生产;投诚 tóu chéng[surrender;cross over to] 军队或人员叛离所属集团,归属对方
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